“The righteous flourish like the palm tree and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green,” (Psalm 92:12–14) 

Dear New Life in Christ Church Singles,

I regularly pray for our singles. I pray that each of you lives to the glory of God, recognizing the grace that works through us as we live single-mindedly before the Lord (1 Corinthians 7:32-35). I pray for peace and fruitfulness during this time, asking God to grant wisdom and patience for those who are seeking a relationship that could lead to marriage. For those who may feel loneliness, isolation, or rejection, I pray for the Lord’s comfort, knowing He is near to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18). I also ask that He causes you to prosper and flourish like green vines, bearing fruit in every season (John 15:5).

There are numerous spiritual blessings in being single if we can receive them, and many trials as well, which some experience more than others. In all things, we trust that God is working for our good (Romans 8:28).

I was very excited when my friend, Tami Mattozzi, asked if she could help organize a group for single adults to meet one another in a fun and recreational way, and to extend their pool of relationships. It’s not just for dating and relationships but for some fun and fellowship with like-minded people who are also seeking the Lord, part of a Reformed church, and open to new relationships.

As it stands right now, we would like to invite single Christians, post-college, who are members of PCA churches and live within a 60-mile radius of Fredericksburg, to a monthly social gathering (or mixer). Still, all these things could change, it’s all pretty unformed right now, and we would like your input.

In order for this to work, we need some momentum and interest from our own members as a first step. That is why we are calling a meeting for Sunday, September 29, at 4:30 PM in the Fireside Room. There are 20 people on this email list so I hope you will consider it.

Who should come:  
1)    Anyone who might possibly be interested in attending a social/mixer group like this … just to show us there is interest.  
2)    Anyone who has ideas they would like to share, concerns, or contributions they would like to make.

What we will likely discuss:  
•    Discussion of Vision and Need  
•    Initial ideas for starting  
•    Leadership and structure  
•    Parameters for invitation (like “PCA only”? Age-range to focus on?)  
•    Types of activities we can and should do

Here is our initial plan for the future:  
•    9/29 Initial Interest Meeting – NLIC Only  
•    10/22 Second Interest Meeting – Fredericksburg Region  
•    January 2025 – First activity

Please let me know if you are interested, if we can expect you, or if you have initial questions … BUT, don’t hesitate to just come (even at the last second).

I am grateful for Tami Mattozzi and Heather O’Hara, who are helping get this group kicked off.

Faithfully Yours,
Pastor Sean