Sunday school plays a central role in helping us grow in our love for Christ. Summer is here and so are our new adult Sunday School Classes for the summer quarter. Sunday school is available for all ages. Children and Youth Sunday school run according to the school year. Adult classes run on a quarterly basis.

Summer adult classes begin on Sunday June 2. Check out the new adult classes being offered this quarter:

With All Your Heart                                    Room 217                        Taught by Pastor Sam Capitano

Fulfilling the greatest command (Deut. 6:5; Matt. 23:37) requires a right understanding of the heart. The world understands the heart as simply referring to emotions and feelings, but a biblical understanding of the heart is much more. Join us as we discover the source of every human thought, concern, desire, and action, and develop principles and practices which will help us fulfill mankind's purpose. This class is based on the book of the same name by Craig Troxel (but books are not required to participate in the class).


Exodus: A Picture of Our Redemption          Room 219                                   Taught by Chris Garcia

In the book of Exodus, we encounter a God who delivers his people from slavery ad bondage, bringing them into freedom and a new covenantal status with himself as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. In our study of Exodus, we will explore wonderful truths that are foundational to our faith including God’s nature and character, His covenant keeping, His sovereignty over creation, and how His deliverance of Israel foreshadows our final redemption in Christ.


Anthanasian Creed                                   Room 100                      Bob Rumbaugh & Robert Williams

The Athanasian Creed is one of the three ecumenical creeds that summarizes the teaching of the whole counsel of God concerning the Trinity and Jesus Christ. This creed was written to be practical. It begins by recognizing what Christians must believe and Whom we must worship. It is essentially a guide to worshiping the One True God who is revealed to be Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Athanasian Creed is largely forgotten in much of the church today, however, it remains a faithful confession of the saints who have gone before us of our Triune God who has revealed Himself as the Savior of sinners, Join us as we worship Him together.


Biblical Peacemaking                 Fireside Room                     Taught by Kyle Ferguson & Caleb Reed

Jesus teaches in Matthew 5, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God" (Mat. 5:11). Conflict comes in contact with us every day. Sometimes in small, seemingly insignificant ways, at other times in larger and louder instances. What do we make of conflict? How do we respond biblically? What does it look like to be a peacemaker? Is conflict an obstacle or an opportunity? Join us as we develop a theology of peacemaking and work to apply it in very practical ways.