“Building the Kingdom by Discipling Students”
New Life College Fellowship (or simply “Care Group” as we like to call ourselves) is the ministry of New Life in Christ Church to Fredericksburg’s university students. Comprised of students from University of Mary Washington, Germanna Community College, and a few other schools, we are a Christian community for the “convinced” and the “unconvinced”, where people can ask honest hard questions about Christianity and grow in their understanding of the Christian life.
We desire to build a community for students in Fredericksburg that glorifies God by reaching a diverse group of students for Christ and equipping them to love and serve Jesus and His church.
What we do?
Small Group meetings
- The way that we get to know more about ourselves, each other, and God Himself – is in the context of community. Working through the Bible and trying to process it on your own is a great thing, but it should never stop there. You should always be bringing in others to help you. That is why at Care Group we engage the scriptures in the more intimate context of a small group Bible study. We simply need each other.
- These groups meet throughout the week. If you are interested in getting involved in a small group community, email us at rumbaughbob@gmail.com or dayrahrumba@gmail.com
One-on-one meetings
- If you are interested in meeting with our staff, contact us at
rumbaughbob@gmail.com or dayrahrumba@gmail.com
Additionally, we have some other “hang-out” events throughout the semester (cookouts, movie nights, craft nights, etc) as well as spring beach retreat and summer mission opportunities.
We worship together on Sunday mornings with the entire New Life church family. We attend Sunday School at 9:00 am and the Worship Service that follows at 10:00 am.