When are your services?
We have worship Sunday mornings—10:00 a.m.
How long will the service last?
Our services are about an hour and twenty minutes.
What will the service be like?
Our worship uses everything from traditional hymns to more modern worship songs.
What should I wear?
People here wear all kinds of clothes to worship – from shorts to suits. Our main focus is on the heart, not on what you wear.
Will I be asked to do or give something?
No. Because we believe that God has welcomed sinners like us, we want you to feel as welcome as possible. The order of worship is printed in the bulletin you receive when you enter and gives all the information you need to follow along and to participate as you feel comfortable. A collection is taken in every service because giving is an act of worship. If you do not wish to contribute, just let the offering pass by.
What about my kids?
Our Sunday school hour (9 a.m.) has children’s educational programs for all ages. An usher or greeter can direct you to the class for each of your children.
Children are an important part of God’s kingdom and at New Life in Christ Church you can worship as a whole family. Both services have a nursery for children aged 0-2 years old. A greeter will direct you to the nursery when you arrive.
3-4 year olds are invited to attend Children’s Church during the worship service. Those planning to attend Children’s Church begin the service with their families and leave the sanctuary before the sermon begins. Ask a greeter or usher for more details.
We know that teaching children to stay involved through a worship service can be challenging. We are patient (we have all been there too!) and will assist you in any way possible. There is also a cry room available upstairs which allows parents to be involved with the worship service and have more flexibility with children.
We have a great youth program for junior and senior high students that meets Sunday afternoon.
What do you believe and teach?
All of our teaching is rooted in the Bible and we believe in Jesus Christ as the only Savior for sinners who are alienated from God. Our beliefs are stated more completely at this link. We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). More information about the PCA can be found at www.pcanet.org
Where do I park?
We have designated visitor parking for your visit, just come to the front of the parking lot. If the main lot is full, we have ample parking in two gravel lots at the back of the building.
How do I enter the building, and where do I go once inside?
Please enter the main doors in the front. We keep other doors locked for the morning. Once you are in, the sanctuary is right in front of you and we should have a greeter to direct you everywhere else you need to go, where to find restrooms, Sunday school classrooms, and fellowship areas.
Visitor Lunches
We have a visitors lunch about once a month, so if you come to visit, check our calendar and plan to stay for a meal.
Do you have accommodations for those with disabilities?
Our entrance and sanctuary are on one level, and is wheelchair accessible. We also have hearing assistance devices if those are needed.
Will I have a chance to meet the pastor or leadership?
Our pastors are available at the main exit doors. We would love to greet you and answer any questions you have.
Do you have small groups or Bible studies?
Yes! From the first day you visit, we will try to connect you with one of our care groups. We believe these connections are important to the relationships in our church and your spiritual growth. You can find out most of our special events from the bulletin or our online church calendar.